Q: I have 6 authentic Javanese dancing masks from the early 1900’s. We got them from a parent who was an original member of the Denishawn school of dancing in Los Angeles in 1915. The masks were part of a world tour. It’s possible there are pictures of the dancers with the masks. I did some research on Denishawn dance and if you are a dancer then you know what its all about. Tracie, 1158
A: It’s nice to see a group of characters from a Javanese traditional dance drama, though I will use just one for this blog. It would be Sita, the beautiful queen of the great king Rama. She is a favorite– the most beautiful and smartest woman in the world. If you can discover a photo of the Denishawn Dancers in these particular masks, it would establish their age and increase the value.
One Comment
Bob Ibold
Sorry, I do not. Bob