South America

Classic mask from the Amazon

Amazon Indian
Amazon Indian

I thought you might enjoy seeing the masks I’ve acquired since we last talked. The Wayana mask was hard to find, and I’m being rewarded now with dried leaf flakes scattered all over my house.  In the meantime, I’ve been editing my photos from Thailand and Cambodia, which include some amazing antique Khon masks from the National Museum in Bangkok and the Royal Palace and National Museum in Phnom Penh.  I’ll show you those when they’re ready – nothing being produced today even comes close to those old ones.  Aaron, 601

A: I love being kept up to date on your acquisitions. It’s so encouraging to me (and I hope to others who read this blog) that first-rate masks can still me found by serious collectors. I believe this mask is about 5 feet tall from the top to the ground. Called a Tamoko, it is made by the Wayana-Apalay people who live in the northeastern part of the Amazon rain forest.

Please send the Khon mask pics when you can and I’ll share one of them on the blog.


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