Q: I’m trying to find out some information about these masks. I’m guessing that they are from Germany. Any information would be helpful. Craig, 622
A: You are correct, they are German.If that soldier (not shown on the cropped photo) didn’t have on a German Army cap on I would have said German, Swiss, or Austrian. Those are the countries that celebrate Fasching every November with masked parades and parties. Your little group is done by an especially talented mask maker. I wish we knew his name and exactly where he comes from. That would also increase the value of them to collectors. If they were made out of wood they would also increase in value. And finally, try to keep them together as a set. A
Yes, the bulbous eyeballs, and tight concentric ring on the otherwise perfectly crisp white eyeball is a tell-tale sign of origin. As Bob said above, with the cap I think most of us would be wondering Swiss vs Austria or perhaps Germany. Many of the dark brown, furry, “creatures” of the of the black woods have these types of eyes. As Bob said, they are from the Fasching celebrations.
From about.com:
What is Fasching, Karneval, Fastnacht, Fasnacht, Fastelabend? They are all one and the same thing: pre-Lenten festivities celebrated in grand style in mostly the predominantly catholic regions of the German-speaking countries. The Rhineland has its Karneval, Austria, Bavaria and Berlin calls theirs Fasching, and the German Swiss celebrate Fastnacht.
michael stöhr
Manebach in Thuringia (Thüringen)