Q: I recently purchased this copper mask online and was wondering what your thoughts regarding country of origin might be. It’s very well made and could easily be worn by an adult, though it’s fairly heavy. It’s similar in construction to the tin Bolivian masks I own, but not quite the same stylistically. Possibly Mexican or Peruvian?
I’m hoping one of your dedicated followers may have some insight. Thanks, Dan, 724
A: That’s a hum dinger of a mask! You’re correct in saying it’s a bit like a Bolivian or Peruvian metal mask. As a rule Mexican metal masks aren’t that carefully crafted, but they do have a similar hairline. Possibly it is not ethnographic at all and was made by an American or European steampunk artist. Guess we’ll have to rely on some insight from our “dedicated followers.”
Andrew Hughes
Hi. I would guess the inspiration might be a bat… a very stylized one (with maybe walrus tusks thrown in for good measure). There is a breed of bat that looks similar with the pug nose… See here or do a search for bat faces. http://s537.photobucket.com/user/snook1954/media/bat_face_16.jpg.html
I have no idea what the appendage coming off the top of the head might be…
Bob Ibold
Thanks for that observation… and the link. I agree that the design is inspired by the shape of a bats head.
dan kleingers
Appendage on top of head is a horn. The other one is missing. Could be a horny devil-bat
this reminds me of a Scold’s bridle i have seen them in Museums…
Mystery Solved – it’s Peruvian. I found the exact mask listed in a past auctions catalogue