Most masks come from the many countries of West Africa, fewer from East Africa.
India & Himalayas
Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka all have great masking traditions.
Bali & Java
The famous dance dramas of Central Indonesia make these two islands a special category for masks.
East Asia
Japan, Korea, China and SE Asia are grouped together under this old-fashioned term.
Includes some Indonesian and all of the Melanesian people in the South Pacific.
Native American
The Eskimo and Indian cultures originally living in what is now the USA and Canada.
Here many different cultures have masked festivals that celebrate religion and recreation since pre-Hispanic times.
Masked dances are such an important tradition here that this small country must be treated separately.
All of the islands and some coastal areas of South and Central America reflect African influence in their masquerade.
South America
Includes both the Amazon basin cultures and those who populate the Andes from Colombia to Chile.
Masks are part of folk traditions in most European countries.
Protective facial devices sometimes disguise the wearer in ways similar to traditional masks.