Q: I found these two masks together in a bazaar and first thought they were the classic theatre faces happy/sad. I bought the pair for $7….soon realized they are not the theatre masks, but have no clue where they could be from. There are hole for the eyes, but no side strings to allow for wearing. The wood is light and looks like it was darkened with maybe black shoe polish on the backs as well. Do you have any idea where these masks could come from? Paule, 595
A: I’ve never seen masks like these. They may have been made only for the tourist market, but I can’t be sure. As you know, I frequently post strange masks in the hope that someone will recognize the object as an authentic ethnographic artifact. Occasionally we get lucky.
Retha Buitendach
Looks like masks from Greenland to me.
I would guess Nepalese masks made for the tourist trade.