Native America,  Unknown

Leather skull mask

aaaMystrySolvd-991Q:  The one that looks like a skull is the one made from a hide.  The attached braids and beads are very brittle.  I know nothing about it.  My Dad passed away 10 years ago and it was tucked away in a trunk.  He loved Native American art and collected some pipes and other objects many years ago.  I’m guessing this was one of his finds.  I’d love to know the origin of it.  Mostly I’m concerned about the condition and would like to see it restored or preserved.  Marc, 991

A:  This mask is too much of a mystery for me. I hope one of our visitors will have an opinion. I think it looks great and is probably a genuine artifact. Because Marc said his father was especially interested in Native American masks I sent the photos to some experts. Neither of them felt it was Native American.






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