
Guro Zamble mask

Q:  I found this mask in an antique store for about $30 USD. I’m mostly interested in knowing about it as an example of a mask that might have been used in a dance or performance. I mostly collect masks that have been used in theatrical performances from any part of the world, but my budget is very small. John, 1212

A:  The Zamble is a common Guro mask that is distinctive in design and very popular in Ivory Coast, West Africa. It is a mythical male character that combines the features of a leopard and an antelope. It is usually performed with a Gu masks, which represents its wife. Your mask has unfortunately lost part of a horn. Someone who does wood carvings could easily fix this. I’m adding a small pic of a different Zamble that comes from page 21 of Masks of the World by Ibold & Yohn.

On the subject of budgets:  African masks that have been used in performance are expensive. Most of the masks you see on the market have been made to look old and used so they can fetch a higher price. If they are well done they can enhance any collection, but nobody should pay a premium for fake history.

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