
Yaqui and Mayo Pascola masks

In the states of Sonora and Sinaloa in northwestern Mexico there are two Indian tribes who are well know for their masked performances. I wanted to show you this Yaqui Pascola mask with its short eyebrows, plus a group of 13 similar masks that portray different characters and animals. The ones with long, flowing eyebrows are used by the Mayo who are further south in Sinaloa.

I wanted to show you these masks because Pascolas get used a lot on Good Friday (which is today).  And because I mentioned in the previous blog that I admire mask collections that focus on one type of mask, a single culture or a small geographical area. Pascola masks, which are so interesting, certainly fall into that category. If these masks interest you, please visit the websites of Bryan Stevens or Tom Kolaz. Both are very good.


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