
Small PNG mask in nice condition

Q:  I need to know what kind of mask it is! I bought it in a street market in Spain and haven’t yet found any information about it! Thanks in advance.  It is 12 in in height, not counting the accessories.  Rafael, 883

A:  It is definitely from Papua New Guinea and looking very good. The general look of it and all of the materials are typical of the wood carvings of many tribes inhabiting that large, still-not-completely-explored island nation. Those long feathers are from the cassowary. But otherwise I have difficulty identifying it. It is unusually small for a traditional ancestor mask or a mosquito mask, both of which it resembles. I would assume it is a recently made item to sell to tourists, but it could be for use. Maybe someone with a special interest in Melanesian art could comment.

One Comment

  • Rhonda Blackwell

    Hello, I was hoping that you kept your lovely PNG piece? Sadly it’s approximately 8 years since you posted your help question. I’m sure you’ve already solved your mystery.But if not I hope this helps! This isn’t a mask, It is a Ceremonial Dagger. These are normally made for rituals & ceremonial purposes. Like most spiritual items that these magnificent people from Papua New Guinea make they involve their ancestors & name most items after them.
    They are normally made from the Cassowary bird using larger rib bone, red clay & mud to form & build up the face. Then they add the cowrie shells, feathers & most times use there own native hair that’s braided into fine twine & coloured with natural red clay. If one could see the other side I’d be able to definitely identify wether it’s a authentic bone or if it’s a wooden mimic trying to resemble a authentic piece. The cowrie shell placement looks authentic along with the ear details on the face along with the colouring. They should be top heavy where the many layers of clay & mud have dried. The bone will not be a straight in line piece with its triangular long thin misshapen bone starting to slightly spiral when it’s drying because of the cartilage….. so if it’s a dead straight line its 99% a piece of carved wood & not a authentic PNG artefact. Best of luck to you, from Rhonda💐

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