Q: The mask was found in an attic in North Carolina. It is roughly 10 inches tall (minus the hair) and 8 inches wide. It appears to have real teeth. The number 18 is stamped in the back. Josh, 1515
A: This copy has been removed because it was incorrect.
Josh sent me this reply:
Hey buddy I saw your publication on the web page I appreciate the information any idea on what value would be? Also as I was looking into the mask waiting for your reply I come to the conclusion that I thought it was I don’t want to say the wrong term but it starts with the T it’s a specific horrible meth from the Swiss Alps just take a peek at and see what your thoughts are these are some photos I found while researching that
My answer:
I blew it. What I thought was a Cherokee Booger mask found in N. Carolina was actually a Tschäggättä mask from the Swiss Alps. Maybe its time for the Mask Man to retire.
Bob Ibold
Josh sent me this reply:
Hey buddy I saw your publication on the web page I appreciate the information any idea on what value would be? Also as I was looking into the mask waiting for your reply I come to the conclusion that I thought it was I don’t want to say the wrong term but it starts with the T it’s a specific horrible meth from the Swiss Alps just take a peek at and see what your thoughts are these are some photos I found while researching that
My answer:
I blew it. What I thought was a Cherokee Booger mask found in N. Carolina was actually a Tschäggättä mask from the Swiss Alps. Maybe its time for the Mask Man to retire.
Yep, it’s a Swiss souvenir mask. These pop up quite frequently on Ebay and other auction sites
Yepp, right, Lötschetal Valley. Souvenir mask, made in the thousands between 1970-1990, often by machine copying. Low value, sorry.
Please Bob don’t even think to retire!! We would lose this knowledge spring. After all there are MILLION masks all around the world…