Q: I found this carved wood mask in a consignment store several years ago. It is 20 inches long, has an articulated mouth and holes along the open edge in back to hold bark strips or hair. There are no modern materials used, no wire or nails. Just wondering if you knew where it might be from.
A: I had to reach out to Aaron of the MaskMuseum.org for help identifying this mask. We believe that this might be an authentic Dayak mask from Borneo. Aaron also informs me that we can’t be sure if it’s authentic because there have been quite a few re-created (fake) Dayak masks coming out of Bali and Java. I give this a B+.
Donna Blas
I’d like to use some of your photos for an article I’m doing on masks of the Pacific. May I have your permission? I run the art column, under Art Therapy.
Phil Underwood
Hi Donna, I have a very interesting hobby horse style dragon which looks as if it might be from Indonesia or maybe West Africa. It was purchased from an antiques shop here in the UK but its provenance is unknown. I’m trying to identify it and if you like I can send you pictures.
Best regards
Phil Underwood
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