South America

Jaguar or leopard mask?

aaaMystrySolvd-971-aQ:  Hey Bob, Troy tells me if you guys 1) can tell, 2) are interested: If this might be Congo or something I’d like to save it… if it is a Mexican, South or Central American Tigre mask I want to find value and sell. My opinion is that it’s not a concoction or ploy and has age, but I don’t really know. So how about a mask for Orange Umber here?  Arthur, 971

A:  The best I can guess, this is a Jaguar mask meant to be worn in some kind of ceremony by an Amazon Indian tribe. It seems to be made of bark cloth and natural black dye. But I would not rule out Central Africa or some other area where leopards or jaguars roam the wilderness. Maybe one of our viewers can help with a comment.aaaMystrySolvd-971-b

One Comment

  • Aaron

    I agree with Bob, probably Tikuna, Kobeua, or some other Amazonian tribe. There are not many collectors of South American masks, so demand may not be high, unfortunately.

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