Q: The source identified it as “Iroquois Blind Man” mask. I wonder if you have any additional insight on it? Paul, 525 A: They have been selling these in reservation souvenir shops for many years.
Classic mask from the Sepik River area
Q: Can you tell me more about this mask from PNG? Julie, 522 A: It is a classic mask from the Sepik River area of Papua New Guinea.
Excellent carving with fine details
Q: I was told this was a protective mask. Almost 2-ft high. Caitilin, 523 A: This is a high-end tourist mask from Tibet or Nepal.
Day of the Dead usually means decorative
Q: I was told this is a Mexican Day of the Dead mask. The rarity, quality and looks have me stumped. Nathan, 524 A: It’s a Guerrero-type face with horns and decoration more common to other states.
This mask was purchased in 1989 in Bali
Q: This mask was purchased in 1989 in Bali by myself. How could I best sell it? Kerri, 521 A: The big and very colorful Rangda dance mask is quite popular in the West as wall art.
Ibo, Igbo or Igala from Nigeria
Q: I won this at a Harrisburg, PA auction of collectibles the ex-mayor bought with city funds for a proposed tourist attraction. The Harrisburg mayor also used the city funds to buy some African and Pre-Columbian items. 25 inches tall, flecked with gold paint mostly worn off, there is also braided rope which is in good shape and the three braids are covered at the ends with roughly 10 inch pieces of leather. I don’t know if this mask was made for market, or even if it’s really from Africa (the auction info consisted solely of the description “African Carved Helmet Mask”. At the price I paid, though ($125.), I feel that even if it’s…
What about this very old mask I inherited?
Q: I was curious about this mask. It is made from wood and measures 10 1/2″. This was part of my dad’s collection, he traveled the world and was an antique dealer, unfortunately he passed away and I have recently been going through his stuff. The mask is in rough condition it has cracked and is missing an ear. Any information would be much appreciated. Caroline 519 A: Certainly an old and used mask from a small Mexican village. Otherwise,
Not sure it is a Hanuman mask
Q: I purchased this Hanuman mask and thought it was very unique because of the bird on top. Have you ever seen this before? Is it mid 19th Century or earlier? Josh, 517 A: Not sure it is a Hanuman mask. Have never seen the bird on top of one.
Colonial India or more recent Nepal?
Q: I purchased this mask about 10 years ago just because it was interesting. The story the seller told me was her grandmother wore it at Purim time as a child in the 1920’s.To me he kind of resembles what Haman may have looked like, but I do not know if this story is true, or if this is just a piece of touristy folk art made many years later. Any ideas? Allison, 502 A: It may not be that old, but it’s not a typical tourist mask either.