Q: I would like to find out where this mask is actually from and what it represents. I bought it 14 years ago in a decoration boutique in Belgium, where I live, for 100 dollars. The guy told me it was Indonesian, but I’ve always had a doubt. It is made of wood, it is quite heavy. It is rather a wall decoration, as it is not carved at the back. Many thanks for any details you may give me. Valerie, 580
A: This is a handsome portrayal of Garuda, an important bird-like god that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology throughout Asia. I mean everywhere from Mongolia and Tibet to Sri Lanka and Indonesia you will see Garuda portrayed in masks, statues and other art. Your piece could have been made as a wall-hanging or to be part of something larger, but it is not a mask. It would be nice to know what it was made for, in what country, and how long ago. It could be quite old. Take a large sharp picture of the front, side and rear and send them to some dealers in Asian art for more answers. A-
Josh Markus
I would like to inquire if you were selling this mask?
Thanks, Josh
Bob Ibold
The Mystery Mask blog is for people who want to learn more about a mask they own. MasksoftheWorld.com does have a For Sale section, but it has nothing to do with the blog.
Bob Ibold
Valerie sent in side and rear views of this plaque. The dimensions are 12-8 x 6.1 x 3.5 inches. I thought it was much larger. I still wonder if it’s an old piece of architectural detail.
The politour and tesso basic layer and natural plant colours suggest south india or srilanka.
I have some sanni devilsmasks of 1900 ca in my coll which gave me a hunch! and esp the typical srilankan masks eyes!!
greetz Leon