Q: American Indian or Eskimo? The wood is old and light like cedar. Please help! David, 586 A: I took a look at as many North American indigenous mask as I could.
Fine mask and a poem
Q: I wonder if its authentic and if it is a Dan Ngere? Leon, 585 (Leon also sent along a poem about masks which you can read at the end of my comments.) A: The Dan group of tribes spread over parts of both Ivory Coast and Liberia.
Old big round mask
Q: I’m totally ignorant about masks, but my father found this in a garage here in Italy and now I would like some informations about it. I looked into your website for similar masks, but I haven’t found anything identical. Can you please tell me from which part of the world it comes? The dimensions are 60×50 (cm) and it’s made of wood. Alexandru, 584 A: Being the Mask Man is a humbling experience.
This guy has quite a nose
My characterization of the Peruvian mask as a Wapuri is just a guess. “Wapuri” is a character in the Bolivian Kullawada dance, which refers to a long-nosed European character. I am assuming that the Peruvian version is just a little different, but is used for similar purposes in similar dances. I could be wrong. Aaron, 583 A: I think you are correct.
Where in Africa?
Q: I bought this mask from a guy on the internet from Serbia. That country was famous 30 years ago for its good relationship with Africa, so I guess that the mask is African. Zarko, 582 A: I agree that it is African, and it is nice looking.
Hard to identify West African
Q: It was part of collection of items left over from a Free Trade Import store that closed. The seller back in the mid 90’s told me that it an authentic ceremonial mask; whereas, other’s in the collection were passport mask made for tourist and not of much value. The mask has holes along the sides and I was told these held grasses at one time which would cover the lower part of the face as the mask rest upon the forehead. From the top of the crown to the bottom of chin measures 11 1/2″ and from ear to ear 6 3/4″. It is made of a very light…
A popular god in Asia
Q: I would like to find out where this mask is actually from and what it represents. I bought it 14 years ago in a decoration boutique in Belgium, where I live, for 100 dollars. The guy told me it was Indonesian, but I’ve always had a doubt. It is made of wood, it is quite heavy. It is rather a wall decoration, as it is not carved at the back. Many thanks for any details you may give me. Valerie, 580 A: This is a handsome portrayal of Garuda, an important bird-like god that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology throughout Asia.
Very strange mask
Q: Looks old & crudely carved wooden mask with animal, about 10″ tall, wood is light some cracking, no idea where from or what age, what do you think, Thanks, George, 579 A: This could win “Strangest Mask of the Year.”
Rich masquerade in the Andes
Q: I would really appreciate your help identifying the mystery mask and costume. I bought these for $100 total from a guy who said they were from Peru. The back is as fancy as the front. I see some Ecuadorian (Diablo Umo-type) characteristics here, but I admit this thing is a total mystery to me. Nothing I’ve seen or read about remotely resembles it. Any ideas? Aaron, 578 A: Peru sounds right to me.
Something different
Q: Bought this mask online several years ago. I’m guessing it’s Swiss or Italian. The nose and chin were carved to appear “split” down the center. The wood is dense and smells like cedar.Teeth are plastic. No idea of age but it appears to be older. Any ideas as to origin? Dan A: I agree with you– it’s an unusual mask.