Q: I got this big chicken in Mexico many years ago. Its 30 inches tall and 9 wide. Thanks for any info you might have. Jerry, 557 A: Decorative masks are not only made for the tourist trade in Mexico,
This African is still a mystery
A: You helped me a week ago with my African pig mask. I have another mask, but I see you only do one mask per person. How can I get you to look at another mask? Diane, 556 Q: I don’t do two or more in a row, but I’ll make an exception this time because I’m intrigued with this particular mask.
Shaman’s mask from the Far North
Q: The attached photos are of a mask I purchased from an estate in Maryland. I was told the previous owner had a few mask in her collection and other collectibles from Alaska. Not sure if it is Alaskan and the reason for sending you photos. The depiction of teeth is something common in many Alaskan masks. What are your thoughts. Alfonso, 555 A: I’m not sure either, but I’ll bet it’s from one of the indigenous people of Alaska, Siberia or Northern Canada.
Beautiful religious artifact
Q: Recently I purchased a mask from a local shop in Sydney which sells various goods from Oceania and Africa. The mask is made of wood covered with metal strips and wires (copper?). I like its look and enjoy having it in my house, and would be very grateful if you let me know if this mask is of any significance. Ted, 554 A: A very nice piece indeed, it is a reliquary figure from the Mahongwe people of Gabon, West Africa.
Masks are a big deal in Bali
Q: This mask has been in my family for many years and none of my living family knows anything about its origin. It is the size of an adult head. The materials appear to be on the front a light coloured wood, inside there is a wicker effect and black material. The jaw of the mask moves and appears to have steel pins and a reed effect on the inside. The hair appears to be made of animal hair. Anne, 552 A: The Topeng, or traditional dance dramas, are very popular in Bali, and your mask depicts one of many Bondres (comic characters) used in the performances.
The mask as a subject for art
Q: I would appreciate a brief description of the raku mask, it measures approximately 11″ x 6″ and was purchased at an estate sale. I am an artist and a mask collector. Ann, 552 A: As an artist and mask enthusiast it makes sense that you would be attracted to a beautiful piece of art such as this.
Tourist mask of unusual wood
Q: I have mask that my grandparents got in Africa and just want some information like where in Africa it came from and just what it is. Chrisitna, 551 A: This unpainted, wooden mask may have come from Africa, but it is not associated with any cultural tradition I am aware of.
A fine West African pig
Q: It has (or had) feathers around the top of it, and it has black mesh ‘balls’ around the perimeter of the face. The mesh is stuffed with something, although I don’t know with what. Can you tell me which tribe, area of Africa, and what type mask it is? Also if it would have any value or rarity? Diane, 550 A: I’ve seen pig masks from several different West African countries, but a good guess is the Chokwe people of Angola.
Famous mask in a strange size
Q: I’ve been collecting masks for a few years and recently acquired an auction lot of W. African masks from a local small auction house that usually has junk, antique tools and farm equipment. I have details of them (and sketches) in a notebook with dates between 1950 – 1990. I’m really fascinated by them and would like to get your opinion. This mask is tiny. The wooden face part is 5″ tall. Adam, 549 A: Nice Gunye ge mask from the Dan culture of Liberia or Ivory Coast.
Art from the Amazon jungles
Q: I visited the Canaima area of Venezuela in March 1991 and not far from the airstrip I bought the attached mask in a small village. I was told it was a monkey spirit mask and was used for a ‘wedding type ceremony’ by the Pemon Indians. This was one of two masks (the other being a real monkey skull) made of reed covered in a plaster, straw hair and real monkey teeth.The mask looked used when purchased. Paul, 458 A: That is a handsome piece, and a bit different from the similarly constructed masks of the nearby Piaroa-Huarime people.