• Africa

    The problem with African masks

    Q: This mask was recently bought online. I know very little about it, except that it was exhibited at the Allied Arts Association in Richland, Washington in 1953, with an exhibition label on the back. It certainly seems to have age. It is made of a soft and light wood. The chin is rounded as if it was often held on the chin. I would love to know more. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ryan, 1657 A: If you want to use this impressive 16-inch carving as a decor item, hang it on the wall and tell folks that it looks like an over-sized Dan mask from West Africa…

  • East Asia

    Recent Bugaku mask from Japan

    Q:  I’ve got a new mystery mask for you.  I was in Japan all December, filming ceremonies and collecting masks for the Museum, and I came across this one in an antique store in Kyoto, which I absolutely do not recognize.  This is not a tourist item, but I don’t recognize the type.  The back gives the date (1985) and what appears to be someone’s name, or possibly the name of a workshop, but the kanji is unclear.  Do any of your visitors have expertise in Japanese folk traditions?  Aaron,1655 A: My guess is Bugaku. These kind of masks can go back 800 years. I’ve heard a few of them…

  • Africa

    Kwele mask from Gabon

    Q: Please help me to get more information of this mask that I bought in Africa. I want to know it’s origin and it’s value. Adalberto, 1655 A: Despite its appearance this Kwele mask was probably made to be sold. Kwele masks (also called a Pibibuze) are used by the Bwete association, which maintains social order, and were primarily seen at funerals. They are also used in ceremonies to promote well-being and community. In recent years, some do not have eye slits and are shown to onlookers rather than worn at dance ceremonies. The masks are considered to be among the most beautiful in African art when they have not…

  • Europe

    Tschaggatta mask from Swiss Alps

    Q: This is a Native American mask. I would love your reaction/input. Dominikija, 1654 A: On February 8, 2019, a viewer submitted a similar mask that he found in an attic in North Carolina. It was roughly 10 inches tall (minus the hair) and 8 inches wide. It appeared to have real teeth. Take a look at #1515 in our archives. What I thought was a Cherokee Booger mask was actually a small, decorative Tschäggättä mask from Lotschental in the Swiss Alps. The Mask Man had gotten it wrong. Well, I’m not going to make that mistake again. Incidentally, you can easily learn more about this traditional European mask with…

  • India & Himalayas

    Citipati mask from Arunachal Pradesh, India

    Here is one of my favorite Citipati masks. As you know the are made as pairs, the male and the female which are often difficult to differentiate. It is essential that the soul be able to laugh the frightening prospect of the hereafter and so, in their wisdom, monks turn dancing skeletons into clowns for comic relief at great masked performances. I was lucky enough to manage to buy it at auction about 18 months ago. I paid less than half what I believe the mask to be worth. As you know, Himalayan masks have become very expensive, and Citipati masks are among the most favored by collectors. The mask…

  • Bali & Java

    Barong mask from Bali

    Q: Does anyone know what kind of mask this is? Thanks! Stephanie, 1652 A: Because of its poor craftsmanship it could come from a rural village, or maybe it’s just a cheap tourist souvenir. I thought it should be posted because I’ve never seen one that looks like this. Barongs are supposed to be protective spirits that patrol the village border to sniff out dangerous demons and scare them away. The mask is worn with a very elaborate costume. Barongs are also danced in some of the traditional dramas. I’m pleased that masquerade is still widely practiced all over this Indonesian island.

  • Protection

    The world’s number one mask

    In today’s newspaper there is a picture of a masked person condemning the killing of an Iranian general. In back of the protestore is the US Capitol. Once again we see the famous Guy Fawkes face in the news. Since the 2005 release of the film V for Vendetta, the use of stylized Guy Fawkes masks, with mustache and pointed beard, has become widespread internationally among groups protesting against politicians, banks, and financial institutions. The mask both conceals the identity of individuals and demonstrate their commitment to a shared cause. It has been used off and on during all of the 20th century, especially on November 5th in the UK.…

  • Misc

    Tourist masks

    Q: I just received this mask as a gift. I was told it came from a collector in Canada, but it looks African to me. Rick, 1650 A: Many of the people who write to the Mask Man have been given a mask, found one, or bought an “old one” cheap. They are usually hoping it will be worth something. I have to disappoint them, hopefully, in a nice way. It would be better the next time if they bought tribal art for beauty rather than value. Other visitors to MasksoftheWorld are collectors and would probably not be interested in today’s blog. Rick has a mask that doesn’t resemble the…

  • Misc

    Rare animal mask from Panama

    Q: Would you know more about this straw mask. It reminds me of an African dog mask. Very comfortable to wear. Not sure if it represents a zebra or a monkey. Looking forward to your answer. Paule, 1649 A: I would say this mask was made by Indians from the forests of Panama, possibly the Embera or the Wounaan people. Both tribes often weave animal masks out of the same natural materials they use for baskets. I wish I could tell you what kind of animal it is. Maybe it is some kind of monkey. I hope you keep this rare mask and do some serious research. B+

  • Africa

    Batshioko mask from Zambia

    Q: My mother was an artist who created masks in some of her work. She had some interesting masks which she collected for design inspiration. This one is the most unusual. I’d be interested to know where it is from. Linda, 1648 A: We don’t see these very often. I’m going to assume it’s bark cloth stretched over a frame of bent twigs about 15 inches in height. Probably authentic and about 50 years old. B