Q: This mask looks like ebony wood. It is 20″ x 9″ wide. It was a gift from a friend who traveled extensively. I have had it since the 1990’s. Cheryl, 685 A: We see thousands of masks of this basic design and, frankly, in never get tired of looking at them. Here is a little more information.
Is it as old as it looks?
Q: Please check out this mask. The seller says it is old (I know they always say this). If you want I can send you few more close-ups. Your opinion is very appreciated. Reminds Luba but these horns.. And also the stitches, were they made on purpose so the mask looks old? Or are they real? The mask has 2 holes at sides and 3 holes for the beard. This is Kigali, Rwanda. Thank you. Sayn, 684 A: It’s a horned Kayamba mask from the Lega people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Is this Balinese mask old?
Q: Hi, my mother recently acquired this mask when a relative passed away, and I was really curious as to what the mask was depicting and how it may have been used. She thinks it is from Bali, but I have no idea. Thank you for your time! Zack, 683 A: Your mother is right. It is a beat up Rangda mask that might actually be an antique.
Cheap Mexican decorative
Q: Can you tell me something about this triple head (man and some type of animals) mask. Made of wood. I don’t know anything about it but need to sell it and want to say the truth about the mask. Thanks, Tina, 682 A: About 40 years ago I bought my first mask. It was an inexpensive but very colorful piece that was made by the same group of carvers in Guerrero, Mexico, that made yours.
Hard to recognize East African
Q: I purchased this mask from an auction or estate sale and was wondering if you could tell me if it’s a tourist mask or actual tribal. Thank you. David, 681 A: I was having trouble identifying this mask and asked my friend Aaron to help. His first choice was the Makonde people who live in both Tanzania and Mozambique.
A little about age
Q: This mask was bought on Borneo and is said to be from the Iban on Borneo used for rice-field ceremony. It comes from the Kapit area. I am curious whether it is authentic (indication is that it comes from the 1920’s). Adam, 680 A: Simple, primitive masks that look like this can be found in many cultures throughout the world including African, Himalayan, Timorese, Mexican, etc. Fortunately, you know exactly where yours was made.
A little about authenticity
Q: I found this at a goodwill store. Just wondering what the background is and if it appears to be authentic. Nathan, 679 A: Your mask an attractive reproduction of a classic Goli Kpan mask from the Baule people of Ivory Coast. This type of Goli mask always shows a beautiful women with an elaborate coiffure and elegant scarification. Yours is quickly made and artificially aged, but nicely proportioned and traditional in style. I like it.
Popular Indonesian mask
Q: Bought this mask at an estate not sure what I want to do with it probably to be honest sell it. Lile, 678 A: This is Rangda, the most popular character mask from the classic Balinese dance dramas. People find them colorful and exotic. It is an inexpensive one that has been carved and painted quickly and can be purchased for very little money. If you search you can find photos of much finer examples, but they will cost more. A well made Rangda that has been used by a professional dancer for a long time would cost even more. Actually, B, C and D all apply to this…
A pretty girl all dressed up
Q: I purchased this mask eighteen years ago from an individual. This mask is of particular interest due to its use of materials. Wood mask with hammered metal teardrop under the eye and each is attached with three brads. The mask is surrounded with cloth and crudely sewn. Seashells are attached to the cloth with thread. Two folded over half round circles are attached thru the cloth and have what I assume are rocks in them to make noise. Unfortunately, my wife discarded the certificates of origin. Wood mask size 5” wide X 8” tall. From cloth to cloth 9“ wide. From cloth to bells 12.5” tall. James, 677 A: …
World traveling mask
Q: I have a second mask if you would like to see it. I got them from my uncle some years ago. He got the 2 of them in Russia about 25 years ago, though I’m sure they are much older than that. I assume they are of Germanic origin but really don’t know. Any info you can provide would be great. Thanks. Josh, 676 A: Foreign folk art often turns up thousands of miles from where it was made.