• Guatemala

    The famous Pedro Alvarado

    Q: Mask is 11″ tall, 6.5 ” wide, 5″ deep. It appears that it may be a mask of Spanish General Pedro Alvarado. My father, who was an Army Chaplain in WW2 stationed in Panama Canal Zone, obtained it on his circuit travels to Guatemala. It has been in storage for decades and is in excellent condition. It has the initials “D.M.J(or I).C” written inside (visible in rear photo). I have a closeup photo of the initials but you only allow 3 to be sent. A: I urge people to send in a front, side and rear view of their Mystery Mask. A forth shot of an important detail is…

  • Africa

    Big Bedu plank mask

    The Bedu mask is one of the largest masks in Africa and is from the Bondoukou region of Ivory Coast. They are usually from 4 to 8 feet tall and can weigh almost 100 pounds. The mask is generally danced once a year at New Year festivities, but can also appear a harvest festivals and funerals. Only strong young men can manage these performances. This one is about 5 feet tall. Note how small the eye holes look on the middle of the shield. The black and white pattern would be quite an attention-getter when it was new. These unique plank masks make strong abstract statements and have been compared…

  • Africa

    Perfect reproduction of Tsogo mask

    Q: Since you were talking about African masks, I would like to show you this one I bought from a collector some years ago. He sold me it as Tsogo, but I’m not sure if it’s Tosgo or Igbo. Previously I thought it was original but now, as I’ve been attending your site, I’m not that sure. Could you help me please? Monica, 1526 A: Your mask almost looks like an authentic Tsogo. The carver must be very skillful and well trained to make a reproduction that looks so old and used. This is what one of the best tribal art dealers (Hamill) has to say about a similar mask…

  • India & Himalayas

    Chhau mask from Purulia, India

    The Chhau dance is a semi classical Indian dance with martial, tribal and folk traditions, with origins in the Purulia district in West Bengal. The dance ranges from celebrating martial arts, acrobatics and athletics performed in festive themes of a folk dance, to a structured dance with religious themes. The stories enacted by Chhau dancers include those from the Hindu epics such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Purulia Chhau Dance is listed on UNESCO’s world heritage list of dances. Traditionally, the chhau dance held in the mid march when one agricultural circle end and a new circle begins. Purulia chhau dancer were the earthy and theatrical mask which represent…

  • South America

    South American Indian mask

    Q: Appreciate any idea of value and tribe that hand-carved this mask. I believe it is from southern Colombia. I was told several years ago they were done by a rare tribe near the Amazon region but I don’t know if that’s true. Sally, 1524 A: I have seen very few of these masks. Back on March 31, 2017, I posted #1138, which is quite similar to Sally’s. It was my understanding that these unpainted carved-wooden mask probably came from a tribe below the southern border of the Amazon such as the Chaco, Guarani or other small cultures close to Northern Argentina. I wonder if they are painted for actual…

  • Africa

    Authentic Bembe mask from DRC

    The previous blog features a fake that could be mistaken for a real Bembe masks. Take a good look. You can greatly enlarge both scans to study the detail. Collecting African masks can be a challenge! This authentic mask came from the Cleveland Museum of Art and would cost many thousands of dollars. The previous mask cost ten dollars. Perhaps a good compromise would be a well made reproduction. The Bembe originate from the northwest forests of Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are representative of numerous ethnic traditions including Lega, pre-Lega, Boyo-Kunda, and Bemba. They are a tough and proud people who absorbed other populations and their systems of…

  • Africa

    Cheap tourist mask from Africa

    Q: I liked this old African mask when I saw it in a thrift shop recently for only ten dollars. Can you tell me anything about it? Kim, 1522 A: As African tourist masks go, this is pretty attractive, and you got it very cheap. That’s nice if you’re just looking for wall decor. But if you paid a lot more because they told you it was once used in a tribal ceremony, you were cheated. This has been happening in Africa for over 100 years. It has become an important industry giving carvers a decent living, and it’s not going to go away. Almost all of the African mask…

  • Misc

    Feathered carnival mask

    Q: My grandmother just passed away and I inherited a framed mask I have always loved. I believe it is from an opera from what I remember her telling me. It was framed by her so there is no way for me to get into it’s case. It is a very large mask. The case is probably 2 feet by 3 feet wide. The mask is made of various sized feathers. I have no interest in selling it but if you could provide any information on it I would greatly appreciate it! Emily, 1521 A: There are some operas that have an act with a ballroom scene. Most masks like…

  • Misc

    Ku Klux Klan mask/hood

    Wikapedia says… “The Ku Klux Klan, commonly called the KKK or the Klan, is an American white supremacist hate group. The Klan has existed in three distinct eras at different points in time during the history of the United States. Each has advocated extremist reactionary positions such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration and—especially in later iterations— Nordicism and anti-Catholicism. Historically, the KKK used terrorism, physical assault and murder—against groups or individuals whom they opposed. All three movements have called for the purification of American society and all are considered right-wing extremist organizations. In each era, membership was secret and estimates of the total were highly exaggerated by both friends…

  • India & Himalayas

    Small Indian paper mask

    Q: I posted this little Indian mask (20cm) because I think you would like it. It’s strange and deeply made of strong papier machè. I thought it was too little but I saw similar items being used during some festivals. On the rear is written India 1958 and this made me think it was original. If you can help me I’ll be grateful. Thanks, Monica 1519 A: I have seen papier mache masks of this character made in Nepal, but they were 14 inches, not 8 like this one. Nor did they have depth, thickness or cloth covering on the rear. Also, they were about 10 years old, not 60.…