This is a famous mask that comes from one of the islands in the New Britain chain of the Pacific Ocean. It is quite large (almost as big at the tribesman who’s wearing it) and is made of tapa cloth stretched over a light wood frame. The large masks are spectacular folk art worn at night around a bonfire built by the Uramot Baining people who live in the mountainous interior of the Gazelle Peninsula, and used during performances of the snake dance. Very dramatic, and different from anything else you can see in the world of masquerade. I hope you enjoy it.
Colorful Zaouli mask
Today I was sent this along with some photos of very colorful masks from Ivory Coast, West Africa. Here is the message… “I came across these videos of Zaouli dance from the Guro tribe, Ivory coast. I showed these to my grandson – now age 6 – and he said “How do they do that?” Richard, 954 Zaouli is thought to exemplify a “new tradition” in African ritual and ceremonial dance that apparently arose after the end of colonialism and is recognized as such. It is also associated with brightly painted masks that often incorporate snakes linked to the Mami Wata religion of West Africa that was transported…
Mexican Mermaid Mask
Q: Can you estimate age, where it came from in Mexico and who might have carved it? What is your take on the condition, paint loss, looks like woods knots over the eye and next to the nose and something under the nose? Bill, 953 A: It came from the state of Guerrero. I think we started seeing this style of decorative (tourist mask) as early as 1970. The tourist trade was beginning to grow and these kinds of items were offered to rich gringos as valuable antiques. This decorative industry grew and grew, often producing beautiful carvings that can be a joy to collect. By the 90’s…
Old Oaxacan mask
Q: Know this is a Mexican mask, but would like your thoughts on its original purpose. It is very light weight wood, has remains of gold paint and was inhabited by insects!!! Despite its condition, I really love this mask and would like your opinions on it. I bought it along with an “unusual Mexican bird masks” hat I sent you pictures of 6/11/15. Mickey, 952 A: Here is what it says on an old label pasted on the rear of the mask. This Google translation doesn’t make sense to me. Tepozitlan, District Juguila, (close to the Pacific coast of Oaxaca, Mexico) Cargador: con tres mas carga la mesa on…
Gypsy mask from Tlaxcala
Q: Called a Gitano, this mask is from Tlaxcala, Mexico. It is in excellent condition with mechanical eyelids and a bright blue interior. I had never seen anything like it, but my brother did some research on the Internet and found a few others which are similar — but not in color. Joan, 951 A: These high-quality masks made by professional carvers in the state of Tlaxcala usually depict the Catrines (Dandies) who perform the famous rain dance at Carnival time. Note that Joan’s example has beautiful glass eyes plus moving eyelids with false eyelashes. But of course, there are other dances requiring masks for other characters. This one is…
Yakut iron mask
Q: This mask was labelled as a Shaman’s mask from the Yakut people of Siberia. Do you have similar masks in your collection? Jeff, 950 A: I’ve never seen one in my 35 years of collecting. Now, after doing some research, I still know very little about them. The Yakut are living in Northern Siberia, just west of the Asiatic Eskimos. In the southern parts of their small country they raise horses and cattle. In addition, they produce there own iron ore and are excellent blacksmiths. Thus the iron mask. I’m posting another iron mask that is maybe from somewhere else. I’ve seen a number of iron masks from Mali…
Art mask
In Sausalito, CA, there is a mask collector-turned-sculpture by the name of Mort Golub. Though his work is wearable, these masks are made to be collected and displayed. You can read about him and see more of his work at Here is a quote from his website… “My particular interests became centered in the masking traditions of the Himalayas. In the early 1990s I began collecting masks from this area, when great masterpieces were still available. Living with such pieces was very revealing, and led me from painting to making sculpture. Many of the ancient broken and discarded objects that I had been collecting as well became incorporated into…
The Bushoong do fine masks
Q: Hello Mr Ibold. Important for me your opinion for my Kuba mask. Thank you very much. Spyridon, 948 A: Your Kuba mask is a Bushoong female character sometimes called ngady amwaash. If it was made in the West Kasai region of the DRC, it could be considered authentic. In my opinion the designs, colors, beads and cowries are all very pretty, but it has been put together rather quickly compared to the older ones we see in books and museums that are more carefully detailed. B+
That old and used look
Q: This mask was given to me by an uncle who told me that it came from a collector of authentic masks and that is all I know about. It is made of some kind of wood and the hair is very course. The jaw of the mask is hinged for movement. The mask is 10 inches long by 8 inches wide. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Phil, 947 A: The character is Rangda from one of the classic dance dramas of Bali, Indonesia. It was made for sale to tourists or for export. That darkened varnish plus some dusting and roughing is what I refer to as “antiquing.”…
Mask of the Himalayas
In the middle foothills and valleys of the southern slopes of the Himalayas live tribes, among which a very old form of Shamanism mixed with elements of Buddhism and Hinduism is still predominant today. These tribes, the Gurung, Magar, Tamang, etc., have an old mask tradition. Shamans and special dancers perform there with masks and costumes during ceremonies, theatrical performances and dances. These masks are usually crudely carved out of hardwood and age considerably while hanging in the rafters of the smokey huts in which many Nepalese live. The resulting patina is very appealing to collectors. This Middle Hills mask is on page 39 of Masks of the World by…